головна сторінка форуму

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Лада 10-01-2009 18:55

Спасибо за приятную новость! :)
А то отдельные киевляне немного переживать начали :o

Забава 14-01-2009 21:39

http://www.arkona.vn.ua/forum/showthread.php?t=291 - это тема в разделе Події, прошу все дальнейшие обсуждения вести там.

Don Joy 07-06-2010 18:42

New Role-Player in Town from Israel :)

I am Osher, I am a 34 years old Role-Player from Israel.

I have been playing table-top ever since I was 8, and playing live-role-play ever since I was 15
(which is actually more then half of my life ;)).

I got the link to this forum from Slava Vachislav - an old russian "dinosaur" that I met in an international role-play convention in Scandinavia.

I am here in Vinnytsa for a software project that is planned to take 6 months, and I am eager to see if there are people here in Vinnytsa that can help me assimilate.

If there are here any people that can communicate in English - it will be a good start :)
Don't be afraid to speak bad English with me. I bet your English is better then my Russian, and defenestrate better then my Ukrainian...

If you can - send me an email to:


And we'll take it from there :)


Werwolfer 08-06-2010 09:10

Hello Osher, it's really interesting to speak with role-player from country, which is situated so far from our =). Our club preferable deals with historical reconstruction rather than role-playing but it will be very interesting to communicate with you. I'll need to find my english-russian dictionary before speaking to you because my english vocabulary is very poor =(.

Werwolfer 15-06-2010 16:22

osher.filter(at)mail.com hmm..
Email with name "osher.filter@mail.com" doesn't exist O_o, or I entered invalid adress?

Don Joy 17-06-2010 14:36

Ah! Sorry, my mistake!
Thanks for you reply!!
Sorry for the late response, it's the job...

I am very careful about writing my mail in forums, because there are all kind of robots that collect them for spam.

But I made a mistake: I meant (at)gmail.com, not mail.com...
Sorry about the bother...

Don't worry about the dictionary and vocabulary. We will get by :)

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